1 - I really was foolish, disobedient, deceived, and enslaved...before He adopted me. I am no better than any other person who ever lived. The playing field is indeed even. We are all sinners.
2 - He saved me because He is full of mercy. I was incapable of pleasing Him, of even desiring Him.
3 - I am washed and renewed in an eternal sense and in a daily sense (Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. I Corinthians 4:16).
4 - He's poured out the Holy Spirit generously. Ponder that! Believe it. Think on what that must mean. I know I've only just scratched the surface of all He has for me through the power and presence of His Spirit.
5 - I'm justified, made right with the God of Heaven. I am made right with Him. It is because of grace and because He is good. And now I have hope...real hope and real purpose. Amen.
These are wildflowers near our house. Saturday morning, early, I set out with one child in tow to do our big grocery run. I got there without my list and had to come back. Grabbed my camera and was treated to wildflowers in the morning sunlight. Thank you, Lord.
Top: Texas Thistle (ouch, watch out)
Bottom: Plains Coreopsis (I think)
The gospel truth... our hearts need to hear it every hour of every day!