Have you ever sat and thought to yourself, What if there's more? What if there is more to life, to living, to being a Christ-follower than I am experiencing right now?
I had that question, too, several months ago, and I have the answer: a resounding YES, forever yes.
From where I stand now, I see that the way I was walking as a believer in Jesus was practically sleepwalking. Also, from where I stand now, I recognize that from my awakened state I must continually awaken more and more. I am talking about being awake and alert to Kingdom things, to eternal things...the souls of men, God's vision and purpose for my service in His Kingdom, the hearts of other believers, discipleship, the hurt and need of this world. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled. (I Thessalonians 5:6)
This leads me to my real question to you: Do you believe God can use you for His glory in His Kingdom? Be careful you don't give a Sunday School answer to this. Be honest. Do you believe He wants to impact this world for Himself through you?
God revealed some startling things in my own heart along these lines about a year ago. I realized that I was believing a lie. I saw in myself great hesitation and lack of action where Kingdom things were concerned, and I could not figure out why. I think I can say with some confidence that many of us know we are doing useful and good things to influence others for Christ (i.e., as a mother and wife, I know I have tremendous influence in my family's life). What I am talking about is something more. Do you really believe God can and will do big things through you for His Kingdom and glory, to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Him all around you? (2 Corinthians 2:14)
I see now that I had been duped into believing that my home was the only place God had for me to shine for Him. I think I saw it as the only place I was qualified, or had experience (He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 2 Corinthians 3:6 Whether in or out of my home, it is God who makes me useful for Himself). Oh, how wrong I was.
After these revelations, it isn't that I went out seeking opportunities or signed up for some kind of formal ministry work. No, all this must be a work of God's Spirit. It's about a letter written, an email sent, a phone call made at the prompting and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus' loveliness and Truth can spill out of me and onto others every day, even though I don't leave these four walls a whole lot. I can make a choice to be out in my front yard, purposefully meeting and engaging with others, all the while praying for opportunities to share the gospel and God's love. Believe me, He will send them, and He will make you able. He will cause you to want this. He will fill you with boldness and urgency as your love for Jesus grows.
Oh, what do you think He has for you? Ask Him, then listen closely.
1-Need a doctor? A surgeon? I have two very happy ones here: LC and CA!
2-Maybe you need a space explorer to gather some cheese from the moon for you: MK's got her helmet and gloves on, ready to blast off. For real.
3-EG took her inspiration from Little Bear Goes to the Moon by Elsa H. Minarik. She looks tough.
Great post about desiring God's vision.
ReplyDeleteFunny imaginative girls.