O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1
I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Psalm 143:5-6
God has chosen a pretty exciting and unpredictable course for our lives this summer. We are all mostly well from our rough visit from a Nasty Virus, and I'm getting caught up on laundry and tidying. It feels so good to do these things!
As we experience a lull - a much appreciated lull - in activity, I'm left feeling a bit like I am starting over spiritually. I don't know how to explain it other than just that - after all the ups and downs and mountains moved and sickness endured, the Lord is saying quietly to me each day, "Square one. Sit down and be with Me. Simply seek My Face and fix your eyes on Jesus." Ahh, yes, This is what I need. In a way it feels backwards, after all the intensity of the past six weeks, but it is right, and I am glad to do it.
I'm rejoicing today in His mercies. I prayed a day or two ago for some fun time with the kids before this whirlwind summer is over (and its end is very near in our case!). On the heels of The Virus, it's been work, work, work to try to get our crazy, trashed house back in order. God answered my prayer for special time with the children in an unexpected way...
Today, what started as my needing to run an errand to Target turned into a toy-shopping spree of sorts. The big three girls raided their money jars and each chose a little something for herself. It was a sweet, fun time and they were so well behaved. Even the drive home was fun, as we listened to some favorite music together. I guess one reason this was all so special was the lightness of it all.
Thank You, God, for the countless tender and undeserved mercies You pour out on me! Thank You.
Photos - another tangible evidence of God's care, delivered with a generous meal during our illness
Doesn't He so often answer our prayers in unexpected ways... ways that are good but not what we would have designed. I'm praising God for the fun and lightness of heart that blessed you and the girls with.