Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Last of our Big Day Photos

For I am a great king," says the LORD Almighty, "and my name is to be feared among the nations." Malachai 1:14

You know what? I just liked this verse. It was good to be reminded of God's Kingship. Of Whom I serve.
This was not an easy day. Mercy, grace, mercy, grace. We finished school earlier than normal. That beam of sunlight is raging through the kitchen. Proper perspective settles on my spirit. He hears me when I call!

I am so, so glad to have these children all around me.

So, here are the last photos from our Amazing Day. We ended the day with a stroll through a wildflower seed farm. Obviously, I'm just a little enamored with blooms, so this place pretty much makes me giddy. I apologize for the number of pictures...I've got to learn how to do those cute little photo collages, so I can consolidate!

Soon, I'll get back to the Mercies list....I've been saving them up!

A dying poppy. I thought its tissue-paper petals were so fragile and beautiful.

Something new that we'd not seen here: a whole meadow of mixed wildflowers (and weeds and grasses) through which had been mown little paths. Seeing as how there just aren't a lot of meadows near our home, much less ones full of colorful flowers, this was a treat!

A characteristically windy spring day in Texas

A scene from The Wizard of Oz, you ask? No, just a whole acre of red (well, mostly! don't you love those two pink loners?) poppies.

Bluebonnets are a lupine. Clearly this isn't a bluebonnet, but it is an unusual sight around here - a white lupine.

I didn't know there were so many colors of poppies. These were so fresh, cool, and springy.

Again, I don't know their real names...this is a redbonnet, I suppose. It's neat to see the different varieties. The kids kept running from flower to flower, impressed that they come in more than one color.

Pretty much says it all: an exhaustingly good blessing of a day!! Thank You, Jesus, for the memories made and the beauty You allowed us to enjoy!


  1. I've enjoyed seeing all the pictures in this series. I've picked so many favorites I can't name them all. You all have been on my mind this week. : )

  2. I LOVE the pictures of all you girls, CA tongue sticking out made me laugh :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. This post reminds me of that hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth".

    "Lord of all to Thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise." Very uplifting!

  4. Y'all are so sweet. I was really worried it was all too many photos. In the end I think I posted about 10% of what we took. But obviously, I posted's kind of like a photo album, something we'll have for ourselves, too, down the road, to remind us of that sweet day!

    One thing I never mentioned in the posts was how thankful I am to have had such a special day while I'm still feeling mobile and energetic with the pregnancy. Much later, and it just wouldn't have been as doable or enjoyable! God's so good.
