Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Lovely Weekend to You....

I hope you'll enjoy this lovely piece of poetry from God's Word...and have a happy weekend with those you love...

Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; 
it is the LORD who makes the storm clouds. 
He gives showers of rain to men, 
and plants of the field to everyone
Zechariah 10:1

Today, I set out, all alone into the foggy coolness of the day to the farmer's market. Since the bluebonnets are giving their final bow for this springtime, the black-eyed-Susans have risen to the occasion. They lined the sides of the highway on my drive, winking at me with their one-eyed winks. What a lovely, quiet, and beautiful drive it was...

And here are more pictures from our big day last weekend:

The sunlight in this one seemed to give an angelic quality to CA's little face.

After our picnic, I encouraged the girls to push past a tangle of weeds, grasses and wildflowers to see what lay beyond. What a spectacular treat awaited! Down a skinny path trodden by others through the flowers was a sparkling stream! Of course, the shoes were all off in an instant!

I couldn't resist the fish-eye reflection going on in BB's sunglasses!


The stream was flanked on both sides by even more flowers (bluebonnets growing in sand - surprised me) and water grasses. Breathtaking.

Belly shot, just for the record. This is 25.5 weeks.

The girls sitting on the skinny path that led to the stream. BB had the good idea of lining them up on the trail for this photo.


  1. Love, love, love these photos... CA, yes, looking quite angelic! Your baby belly is so cute; how can it be that I had one of those just 2 weeks ago?! The exploring photos are great, too! What a lovely day you had last weekend -- I hope today is just as memorable in it's own sweet way.

  2. Lucky you to be all alone this morning!
    I love seeing the pictures of your trip, girls look so cute all lined up, pretty soon you will have one more in that line up. Love the baby bump also-you always look so cute preggo-all belly!

  3. I love the blue bonnets!!! Love the cute little belly bump!! Can't wait to meet your newest blessing!!!!
