Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Few Shots From the Week

We have almost finished this trip to our roots here in the deep Southeast. Today's laundry-and-packing day, and tomorrow is travel day. It's been a good week of seeing loved ones. I have had the blessing of some extra time with special friends on this go-around.

We've also had the surprise blessing of seeing God move in unexpected and powerful ways in our family.

I thought I'd post a few photos of our time here (some today, some next time I post) and some Mercies I've collected this week.

LC playing with plastic flowers at Gramma's (BB's mom). The girls have had a blast and most days have entertained themselves a great deal by just playing cards, building things, running outside, crafting with Gramma. BB took this photo.

The children are understandably enamored with the abundance of creatures here: squirrels (CA calls it a "Fuh." Yeah, she can't pull of the "squ" sound yet, nor can she do "r's"), chipmunks, many different types of birds....they collected and set out these nuts for the squirrels, who promptly came and gobbled them up, sometimes while we were watching from the window.

My sweet friend, L, and I got a wonderful, rare half-day together. For the first few hours we visited with our kids playing around us (see below), then we abandoned the kids and the menfolk and headed out for more talk and some really good eats!

You can see five of our combined seven children in this photo, but I had to use it because of the fun, flying leap her middle son was doing.

Belly shot of 30.5 weeks. I have a nice "shelf" going now...good place to set a plate when I'm eating - haha!

More to come when I am able, including a little of my visit with another dear friend, Modgirl. I hope you have a happy weekend. God bless and keep you!


174 big hills in the distance, each further ridge a lighter shade of gray

175 realizing the (unborn) baby likes to ride in the car...never paid attention to my other babies' activity in utero while on car drives...this baby becomes very, very still, which is noteworthy since CA, unlike most babies, was NOT lulled to sleep in the car as an infant

176 wind in tall grass

177 wind in trees - love the invisible Power of it

178 the shady green quiet I enjoyed the other morning here at my mother-in-law's house, where we've stayed during this trip...she has so many huge, mature trees. It's enchanting and refreshing.

179 the happy chirping, hopping bird I saw out the window

180 long good talk with L, great food too

181 a full night's sleep

182 seeing God's sovereign mighty hand at work

183 unexpected breakfast date with my Man yesterday


  1. oh Beth, so glad you and modgirl got to have a lovely visit! Kelly

  2. I remember L from our bible study and her son L jumping in the pool. Of course he was just born when I met her. Glad you girls had a great visit! Nothing like getting with kindred friends and talking in real life!

  3. Love the shot of Middle C!! Shows his true personality. :)

    So glad we were able to visit too, can't wait til the next time.
