Monday, January 10, 2011

Ten Photos, Ten Hours, Ten Mercies

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
Psalm 90:12






1pm or so



around 4pm


{My good friend Christian reminded me that today is the 10th of the month, so I decided to try the Ten on Ten challenge again, just for fun!}

620 she held up her arms for me today when I came to pick her up

621 unexpected headway in dejunking, rearranging the kitchen cabinets' contents

622 that today, in baby steps, by His grace, I gave thanks from the heart for disappointment

623 fresh new shelves, built in the closet and pantry, by my HERO

624 a brave girl at the dentist, who at last is unafraid! (plus, no cavities!)

625 almond-butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

626 a really good first day back at schoolwork with LC

627 cold, wintry gray outside today

628 hearing the way that the Spirit is speaking to EG...sweet and exciting

629 coming to help LC find a "missing" Lego piece, and actually finding it for her!

had to add these...

Miss Dimple Wimple is 5.5 months. Stop it! It cannot be. Here, CJ is in her Sunday Best. She's into food these days and we're both enjoying her new food adventures. (the green bowl above was her first try with bananas + egg yolk)

Wanted to include this as a before-and-after...reading together before her nap (above) and going in to check on her and finding her so very asleep...


  1. These are all wonderful! Such sweet kids, and I love your storybook bible!! I'm a new reader, so glad I found your blog!

  2. Love your photos and the counting of His mercies!!

  3. Wonderful photos... and so appropriate to count His mercies along with the photos. I love all the COLOR that you captured throughout your day.

  4. Love all the photos to capture your day! And oh my how your laundry room is organized! I have to say I am a bit jealous :)

  5. Thanks for all the comments, everyone! What fun!

    L: BB came up with that organized laundry room situation!! What a blessing it is: cheap bins from IKEA, on which he stuck those labels so the kids could help sort laundry...there are four bins. He had to take out the bottom pantry shelf to fit the bins, but it was worth it! And obviously now that he's added a shelf up top in the pantry, I got that space back now.

    And...did you notice how "organized" the food part of the laundry room is...haha! A disaster! But we'll get there.
