Friday, October 11, 2013

Tired Lately

We were treated to this God-glory-sky-moment the other night...

Usually, I jog in the dark. I like the anonymity of it all, the quiet, the stars. But sometimes I get a late start and I'm blessed with other treats - dawn, sunrise, a few splashes of fall-flower color...
Today, it was this fantastic sunrise - which my phone did a poor job capturing.

I included this one to demonstrate the randomness of our peeps' clothing situation at any given moment each day....fleece footie pj's for CJ, summer john-john for BH, and red velvet fancy dress for CA. Whatever works for you, guys.

 The rabbits are giving my long-planted but never-flowering plants a chance to flourish! Maybe those bunnies are starting to settle down for autumn and winter and are eating fewer flowers? Who knows. I don't care. Just glad to see these pretties!

 CJ diligently cleaned these mushrooms for me. She usually goes on to chop them pretty well, staying focused. This time she wandered off before finishing, but I thought it was so cute the way she lined them up as she cleaned them. Sweet helper.

 So tired that he passed out on his back! 

 We do what we can during therapy appointments...this day it was stopping at a park and gathering leaves, pretending this big one was a hat. That CA - cute in her leaf hat.

 I don't clearly remember why I put CA and CJ to bed in my room one night, but I love, love, love this grainy, low-light phone pic of them! CJ is in her ballerina (that's what she calls her tutu). She has Beary next to her - the tiny, much-loved bear who lives in her bed. She bites his head. Somc kids suck their thumbs or caress a blanket. CJ bites down on the bear's head with unbelievable force. Weird. 
CA is sleeping in Christmas themed long sleeved pj's. More weird.

 Look what CA learned to do this week!!

I got a little frustrated with some laundry issues this week...

Around here, when you purchase cheap salsa, you get a nice sterling silver spoon in the deal! Oh dear. This happens all.the.time!

Well, I've posted little recently because I am just so tired. My brain is tired -  my emotions, my body. Drained.

It's the kind of tired you just can't fight.

And that's okay. It sort of feels good to recognize my limits and live within them (mostly) without apology or fear or regret.

Life carries on and there's this weariness, and sadness. And for once, it just is. I don't love it. But I'm not fighting it, either. I rest when I can. I pray for and get strength and perseverance.

Relationships are such hard work in this season.

Praying for grace of Jesus and learning to be okay with process - that some things just take a lot of time and work and patience and falling down.


  1. Beth. I so agree with your "life is busy" paragraph at the end, but I'm not being as graceful as you are about resting in it. I'm stressing myself out over it.

    I was grinning through all your photos, esp. the john-john suit! How I wish my boy was little enough to wear one again!

    You're a good mom - I can just tell from just these photos and words. xoxo

  2. Love the post and the update can be that sometimes just draining. Hope it settles out soon ! Did yall get a new van ?
