Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Rest of the Preparation Story

Well, Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Y'all got to see Baby H's contribution to our Thanksgiving preparations yesterday...

Today, I'll give the rest of the story.

While BH dragged his Post box all over the house, here's what the rest of us were doing: 

LC was in charge of the pumpkin pie. My recipe calls for a blender and streusel topping. Mmm-hmm. She made a beautiful pie, indeed. EG was, at the moment, taking care of grating sweet potatoes for a fritatta. 

 Miss Dimple Wimple offered, of her own initiative, to help clean up Mr. Dimple Wimple's cereal mess. It was a sweet idea. It lasted about 45 seconds.

LC got behind the lens for a moment so that we could have a photographic record that the children do have a mother.
Look at that pallet of eggs. I still can't believe the quantities of food we buy now for the nine of us.
I'd been out jogging early yesterday morning. Brrr. I'm running with EG in a 5K this coming weekend! A big first for me. The whole family's doing the walking version of the run together after the run. The run/walk is at night and the course goes through our town's trail of lights. Yippee!
Oh, and I got bangs this week. First time in like 15 years.

CA played Legos upstairs for most of our food prep time, but she happened by and got suckered in to grating those sweet potatoes. Isn't she cute in the too-small Christmas jammies? Her sweet potato stint lasted about 4 minutes, but it was nice to have her around for a bit.

We have this ancient "learn ballet" video that CJ has recently discovered. Loves it. The little girls ran upstairs to put on their ballerinas, as they call their dancing costumes. BH was even enamored with the day's ballet lesson, for a little while.

MK rocked the onion and celery dicing, as well as preparing cornbread for dressing. 

I didn't get a great photo of her - the elusive Kitchen Cleaning Fairy. Ahhh, what a treat on a day of so much food prep. AH floated about the kitchen before and throughout the process and kept it so spick and so span. What a blessing!

More to come....have a beautiful day!

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