Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Give Us Grace to See the Hope

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. Isaiah 46:10

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

In fact, she is so oppressed by God's bitter providence in her life that she can't see the signs of hope as they start to appear. She knows there is a God. She knows He is sovereign and rules over the national and personal affairs of men. And she knows that God has dealt bitterly with her. Her life is tragic. What she does not see with the eyes of her heart is that in all her bitter experiences, God is plotting for her glory. This is true of all God's children. In the darkest of our times, God is plotting for our glory. If we would believe this and remember it, we would not be as blind as Naomi was when God began to reveal His grace. (from A Sweet and Bitter Providence by John Piper)

A few more mercies:

107 CA: "footnails" - she likes hers painted, of course

108 A husband who dwells with me with understanding (I Peter 3:7)

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