Thursday, April 28, 2011

They Are Safe. Praying for the Grieving.

Mercy Number 890. Our family and friends (and their respective homes) are safe and sound, though nearly all of them were very near the paths of the tornadoes in the Deep South.

Praying, and so sad for those suffering loss of loved ones, devastation of property...I just don't have words...
Snapped a few quick Easter photos. What'll we do when the oleander isn't blooming anymore? Truly, there's not another pretty photo spot in our yard!

891 trumpet vine in bloom on the side of the road

892 unproductive days

893 Finalizing the Adoption: May 4, 2011, also my birthday

894 taking the 5 oldest to a movie at the discount theater today - good to laugh!

895 AH giggling, then belly laughing over remote control cars today...she found a controller that controls two cars and it was cracking her up

896 BB making the bed, just because he knows I like it

I'm mesmerized by sunlight in general, but when it's falling on Baby's super-blonde hair...sigh...I melt!

897 sisters chasing, laughing, wrestling

898 that I am never alone...that is, Jesus is always with me and will never abandon me

Reading by flashlight when we lost power one night last week

I wish I could write a nice thoughtful post tonight, but alas, I used up my remaining mental energy earlier to teach AH a rather long grammar lesson...I've been running on fumes since then! 

Have had lots of thoughts lately about how God holds us up when our strength is small - the way that they held up Moses' arms during the long battle...and have thought about how some days lately, it feels like I fight battles all day. I don't mean me fighting with the kids. I just mean the battle against sin nature: theirs and mine! As I thought about battles and fighting, my mind turned to that verse about having weapons of righteousness in our right hand and in our left (2 Cor 6:7) and then I remembered the Armor of God passage...weapons, I went and read that passage carefully, curious to see if it mentions something for each hand (Eph 6:12-17). Well, sure enough it does! It talks about the shield of faith, with which we can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one; then it tells about the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. So, it was a wonderful reminder of how God has given us what we need to fight against our sin, and to help our kids learn to do the same.

How was that for stream of consciousness?
I hope you've had a good post-Easter week. All I can say is, having six children is making me far busier than I ever expected! And we're not a busy-busy family! The kids aren't in lessons, sports, or clubs, and BB and I are home most of the time...we're all home most of the time. Still, I feel crazy-busy! And I know some of that's still us in the adjustment phase, looking for the new normal.

Have a relaxing and pleasant weekend, friends! Thank you so much for stopping by!!


  1. I've found it interesting that the of the armour, there's only one offensive weapon, God's word, the rest seems defensive. It helps me notice how that worked for Jesus and his disciples too, how they made their point, and they ways they didn't leave themselves open to attack.

  2. Good to hear that your family and friends in the South are safe.
    I love your Easter photos! Gives me a better idea of your family as a whole. You are a beautiful crazy-busy mama! :)

