Monday, February 18, 2013

A Birthday, Some Mercies, and an Aside

We have a teenager now.

For. Real.

We celebrated (somewhat) quietly, taking AH out for a special date - just her with the two of us, then on her real birthday, the lot of us enjoyed our traditional birthday treats, plus opening presents.

I usually try to make the kids' choice of birthday cake...

As I shopped for candles, all the packs I was seeing had 12 candles. That doesn't work this time! I was delighted and thankful to spy the little Happy Birthday candles. Count 'em!

Pretty glow on her pretty smile...

Earlier in the does go on, even when you have a birthday, doesn't it? But she got to wear her birthday ribbon all day. We all had a laugh over that.

And now the cake reveal: she asked for white cake with rocky road ice cream inside. And I made up the rest: fluffy white icing with dark chocolate curls and toasted almonds. Fun and Yum!

Call out the paparazzi! They crack me up with their cameras...

She got a special Lamplighter Publishing book called A Peep Behind the Scenes for her birthday, as well as a couple of pens she requested.

We thank God for granting us the desire of our hearts in sending AH to our family. We praise Him that she is healthy and strong and for the memories we are all building together.

And now, with Valentine's and AH's birthday behind us, I'm putting the family on a sugar fast! For real.
Mercies from Jesus:


-that some kind person turned my keys in to lost and found at Costco

-God's guidance, so that I know what to do each day - without it, I'm frozen - too many possible "to-do's." I'm amazed at how He orders my days.

-encouragement for my heart at church yesterday, reminders to persevere, to embrace this season of living

-someone brought us supper tonight!

-the fire hydrant of information and help that is therapy these days...

-a really nice Sunday afternoon talk with BB during the kids' rest time

-watching CJ watch the clouds today...she was standing in the back yard alone, looking up, hands out by her sides, feeling the breeze, and those blonde curls wafting...sweet

-a short nap today

-getting some here, there, and everywhere errands done on Saturday with LC, MK, and BH in tow
An aside: We went to the library two weeks ago. It had been like 3 years, because it became so hard to take everyone there. Picture it: I roll down the aisles with child in stroller whilst child pulls books off the shelves on both sides. That's only one of many adventures we've had that made library visits no fun. Anyway, we ventured out two weekends ago...I had the baby and the four oldest girls with me. I renewed my card, got each of them a card, then the big two went about finding books for a science project they're doing. The younger ones just browsed. And I was in information heaven. I.Love.Books. Art, history, religion, science, novels...and we were only in the intermediate kids' section. But oh happy day, to be looking at all the free information again! LC was hesitant to choose books in the beginning. I realized the cause of her hesitancy when she asked me how much each book cost to rent. Wink.

So, the library run was a big accomplishment for me. A step in moving on toward the new normal.

I got this book, though, for myself and am loving it.(I checked out five books and two audio books...I think we came home with a total of 40 or so total.)

Product Details


  1. oh, BETH. I just adore the library and all the books all the time because they're free. Bless your heart, I sure am glad you can go again!

    And a teenager. My stars. What a young lady she suddenly seems to be.

  2. The library was always one of my favorite places to go as a child! I got to take a walk down memory lane last week when a lovely couple came in to the store who were from the tiny town that was home to the tiny community library where I spent many happy hours!
