Now, our God, we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name.
I Chronicles 29:13
This is what it looks like when your boy is ready to bust out of the hospital!
More proof of wellness: hitting mommy with glee and a generally precocious spirit
Well, there were some really sweet times in the hospital, holding H, watching him sleep and such. Then there were the tantrums. He's quite skilled at raging tantrums, which occurred when he was fighting sleep or didn't get his way about something, or just didn't feel good. Difference was that I had to hold and wrestle him through the fits, because he'd just destroy all the tubes and wires!
Home again, home again, jiggety jig! He'd not been outside in a week and was really happy to see birds and to watch cars go by.
H says hello from the grocery store. We stopped in for some items on our way home from the hospital Saturday evening.
I am thankful....
-that the original urgent care doctor chose to send us to the hospital in an ambulance, because it meant we didn't have to fight traffic or wait in line at the ER
-that we were given a fairly private room in the ER - H was pretty loud and upset much of the time
-that a friend was willing and able to go hang out with the girls on short notice, then other friends came and provided supper and support for the kids later
-that EG was able to have a HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY on Saturday, before all this came to pass
-I'm thankful that BB was able to be at the hospital so much
-and that I was not the hospitalized one this time, and could come and go to our house and see the girls and such
-I am grateful that spring is finally here
-blooms on trees
-I'm thankful for the sweet times in the hospital with BH, holding him and watching him sleep
-that things were never critical or scary
-for my wonderful, amazing husband
-that BB was able to finish the last bit of his school quarter during the hospitalization and is now on a much needed break before his last quarter!
-for these growing-up, beautiful girls of ours
-for BB's mom, here helping us
-for my surgery tomorrow, to repair my left-ear hearing loss
-the way that God works out the daily details, shows me when and if to do this or that, and how what really needs doing gets done
-still so blown away by the kindness and generosity of God's people, our sweet friends here, who jumped in and helped so much last week
-for the love of Jesus and His wise purposes in all these things
Oh dear, so sorry that all this happened so glad yall are back home!