Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Seven! And More...

CA brings up the rear of our summer birthday season. She turned 7 on August 1.

She's all about tree-climbing and bike riding and scootering - things she can do much more freely and easily at our new home and street. Note the fabulous climbing tree in the front yard. It's most beloved by all.

A bit of birthday-treat deja vu here: she wanted the same set up that CJ had for her birthday goodies. She specifically requested gummy bears be among her ice cream topping possibilities. I had a brownie mix on hand, so that was her "cake." I heard no complaints.

BB was able to take the day off on CA's birthday, so he decided to adventure with them on one of our area's greenways - beautiful, long, paved pathways that curve up, down, all around, in the trees, sometimes paralleling and sometimes crossing the river. It's a beautiful course for riding, walking, running.

Little H has been under the weather with respiratory junk, so I had him at the doctor that day.

We had a happy, low-key family day with CA.

She's full of life and energy, this 7 year old. She's all about coloring and changing her earrings and she's nervous about 2nd grade, super-eager to make a friend. When we visit playgrounds and such, she always connects with someone and will fearlessly introduce herself, and has even asked a few of the children and parents where the child goes to school - she's that ready to find a friend here.

Speaking of school, our kids start classes this coming Monday. We have been attending university model schools for the past six years, but our move presented us with different options. The school we found has a lot of similarities in format to our previous ones, except that it has a specific focus on fine arts, which is an area where we see a lot of natural interest and skill in the girls. The oldest 5 will attend school two days a week, and work at home the other days.

I've been busy collecting books and supplies and trying to get our spaces organized for living and for starting a new school year. I think I've mentioned that our new house has far fewer closets and good storage options, so it's been a complete redo and rearranging of books and supplies and everything!

BB and I got to go away (nearby) together for 2 nights last weekend. What a blessing and a treat. We enjoyed some good food and great conversations and rest. It was the first break we have had together in a long time in which he didn't have schoolwork on his plate. Hooray!

While we were gone, however, H's respiratory junk flared up more and we knew he needed to see a doctor. We came home a bit earlier than planned and took Mr. Wheezy to the ER, where, when it was time for him to be seen, he had NO symptoms - no wheezing or crackling or coughing. It makes me a bit crazy, this asthmatic-tendency thing. I'm still trying to learn it and wrap my mind around it all. They sent us home, where I've been using some essential oils and immunity boosters to try to help him get past what was looking like bronchitis setting in.

Today, thanks be to God, he seems to have turned a corner for the better.

Yesterday, I had a prenatal appointment at which they were taking a second look by ultrasound at a couple of potential concerns, one of which (praise to the Lord!) appears to be minimized and no longer a real problem. The other issue has to do with calcification of the placenta, something that has occurred in a few of my other pregnancies. It just means they will monitor the baby's growth a bit more closely month by month, as this condition can restrict baby's nourishment somewhat. Thankfully, my two babies affected by this calcification (unknown causes) were born tiny, but full-term and healthy.

Our summer is coming to an end. I am sad to see it go, but thankful for the flexible space and time we've had and the rest God has given. It feels like part of my summer's challenge was to encourage balance in the kids - playing, working, relaxing, relating, diet...all things that are upset by such huge transition.

I'm also excited about the upcoming school year, optimistic about the kids in their new educational setting and what that will bring for them.

Seems that I alternate between a satisfied feeling regarding our settling in process and a lonely feeling, as we've not yet formed connections here. Our church search continues. School may be a neat place to get to know others. And, my wonderful far-away friends are still very much in place and I love and appreciate that precious support and companionship so much. And I miss it, I miss my Texas connections being physically near! And the familiarity of the usual you know?

It takes a lot of mental energy (for me, at least) to adjust - the usual is gone and we're learning the new normal. Makes my brain and heart a bit weary. There are delights that God sends to refresh my spirit. One example: my laundry room is upstairs and has a window (love it) that overlooks the back yard.

LC got field glasses and a hummingbird feeder for her birthday. After we hung the feeder, we waited for some time before the tiny birds began to sip at the feeder.

So, the other day from my laundry room window, I saw a beautiful golden feathered hummingbird perched on our zipline near the feeder. I called LC and she came running with her field glasses and we both enjoyed watching the little bird up close. He eventually zoomed over and had a drink at the feeder. It was a beautiful, happy moment.

God is good.

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