Sunday, November 23, 2014

This Past Week

We are still here, and I am still great with child. Only 2 or 3 weeks to go!

Mostly, we're still plugging away at daily life and school. BB and I are working hard to be a bit ahead of Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, and baby preparations, so that (in theory), we can enjoy all of these a bit more, with less scrambling.

A few photos and updates from the past week...

A few of us have found ourselves in desperate need of haircuts. How wonderful to have found a good salon within walking distance of our house (oh, I still drove!). I made 2 appointments for last week and two for this coming week. BH and EG were last week's cuts. This was BH's first cut. His precious curls were in his eyes and way down his neck, so it was time...

I had a feeling this would be his response to this new experience: frightened tears. Thankfully, the stylist was sensitive, but not intimidated. He calmed as the cut progressed. She did a good job of tidying up his giant, fluffy hair without taking too much.

He remained quite serious and unhappy even when the cape came off, holding on tightly to his sucker, which the stylist gave him when she was done.

 He happily did away with the treat while watching EG's haircut from a nearby couch.

 At this point in her haircut, he looked at her in mystified wonder, as if to say, Is that the front or the back of her?!

I may or may not be a bit prone here lately to the occasional tearful breakdown...
One morning last week, I dissolved into tears after a particularly intense 2-year old screaming episode, overlapped by firing-squad style questions coming from several of the older ones all at once. It's interesting to see how people respond to others' stress, sadness, and anxiety. In this case, CA saw my tears, asked what was wrong, then disappeared for awhile. She came back and asked for my phone, so she could take a picture to show me something. When she returned, she'd taken this photo of our newly put together guest bed - she had arranged blankets and pillows on it, so that it would look all neat and made up. It took a lot of work for her and was very thoughtful. 

I have sweet and amazing kids.

 Speaking of sweet. Look at the cherub who fell asleep in my bed!

 Every few days, I have CJ take a nap, and I have CA do the same a couple of times a week. They looked so precious sleeping all at once in my bed!

Dapper and cheesy! (and pre-haircut)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

I am grateful for my loving Savior and my big, crazy family - the ones in this house and those elsewhere. I am also thankful for the little connections we are starting to make in the church we've been attending, as well as for the good teaching we're hearing there.

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