My head is down, concentrating on where this next brick must be placed. I pray, asking God to show me just where this one needs to go, then, head still lowered, I turn to take another from the stack. I do this over, and over, and over: get a brick, prayerfully add it, get a brick, prayerfully add it. Sometimes, the work continues with few breaks for long stretches of time, meaning I become drenched with sweat and exhaustion sets in. It's hard to see what I am doing as the sweat pours into my eyes and face.
God has called me train my children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4 KJV). When I first got this job of mothering over 8 years ago, I can see now how little I truly understood what my calling entailed.
The other night, I got the chance to go help out with a function at my daughters' school. I was gone for 3 hours, which turned out to be enough time to mull over my own thoughts. As it turns out, that little break wound up being a gift from the Lord - it allowed me to gain some perspective and the image you read above.
There was a slide program showcasing the children's accomplishments and activities over the school year, and I stood there watching, listening. One song played expressed a parent's desire to see her child be one who grows to trust God wholeheartedly. And I stood there in wonder, with tears in my eyes. Oh, my. I have not looked up from the work of building in quite some time, I thought. "Oh, look," I felt the Spirit whisper,"Look, they are growing into towers. You are putting bricks into towers of faith for Me, and it is good."
What a blessing, what an encouragement, that God lifted up my face for a few moments so that I could look and recognize some of the fruits of the labor, and so I could dream, imagine, envision the future fruit that will grow as He keeps giving grace.
So, I return to the work of building, strengthened by the encouragement my Father gave me. This work matters. It is of eternal significance. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Teach the children to do the same. Do it today, do it tomorrow, do it till we cross the Finish Line.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith...Hebrews 12:1-2a
With the fog of last week I'm just now getting a chance to *really* read your posts. Beautifully written, I loved this one... it encourages me to keep building, knowing that there will be a day when the Spirit will show me what is being built for His glory.