I seem to have gotten myself kind of tangled up. I am here at your feet and I need you. I need your mercy, because I cannot do things right, because I am a little child needing help and truth and power and direction. Little things are creeping in - irritability, wrong priorities, weakness, and an enemy. I feel too easily overwhelmed by small things, to the point of paralysis and lack of action. You are my Answer and I call to you, knowing you will answer, knowing that all my life's happenings are in your hands and under your sovereign, wise, and good control, comforted that though I do not follow You perfectly, you are perfect and will accomplish your purposes in spite of me. Too often I pridefully and mistakenly believe that if I don't walk mistake-free then everything will fall apart and I will ruin Your plans. I praise you and humbly thank You that I can know you and be your servant. I stand amazed that you listen to me and answer me and even speak to me. You are too good. May this hour, this day be for your glory. Let me not waste a minute, Lord. Grant me grace upon grace to be alert this day and always (I Peter 1:13, 5:8) to your Spirit and to the schemes of the enemy, who wants only to destroy me and steal away your glory. May it never be! Hold and help me. I praise you that your grace is sufficient (2 Cor 12:19) and that when I am weak then I am strong, for your glory, for you are glorified when weak and tired humans walk in obedience to you and shine your light. Grace...more grace. I love you more and more.
In the name of Jesus,