Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My prayer to the Lord regarding my words this day, every day...

Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips. Psalm 141:3

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Proverbs 19:14

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19

I'm far too quick to say too many words, or the wrong words. Lord, let my words be sweet and life-giving today!

I was so happy to have been able to catch these moments. I'd taken the camera out with me to photograph the kids playing, since my niece is here. When BB got off work (an at-home, closed away in our bedroom working day), he joined us out front. Pregnant me decided to take a seat on one of the kids' riding toys, so when CA asked to be thrown in the air, I had a crazy-good perspective for picture-taking, as well as that amazing sky. God is kind.

Dad and BabyGirl happy together

Miss Personality! I snapped this (zoomed way in from across the yard) when she saw that daddy was off work and had come outside. Think she's happy to see him? We always smile to ourselves when we talk about how expressive she is.

Daddy can throw big kids, too. I'm always impressed by his willingness to do anything with them, and most of the time to do that "one more time" that I probably wouldn't do...he has a wonderful daddy-heart.

Mercies on and on....

95 requited love - was thinking the other day about the thrill that comes when you realize that someone loves you my case, BB was loving me well before I was even able to understand for sure where my heart stood...once I was sure, well, there's nothing like that in the world...

96 having MB here

97 having mom here

98 dad's generosity in sending them

99 God's sovereignty (I probably will put that one - and many others - over and over in this list)

100 anticipating baby's birth

101 feeling baby move inside me - can tell he/she is getting big!

102 an able body - at this point in my last pregnancy, I was immobilized by back problems (which, of course, God had His own sovereign, good purposes in that)

103 that uncomfortable and right place in which I admit/learn/realize I cannot change anyone, ever...but that the Lord must do that and He will receive the glory due Him when He transforms lives


  1. Verses I remind myself with as well! You always amaze me with your photography skills!

    Yes, I remember your 4th coming early... oh I can only hope and pray!!! Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. What priceless, beautiful photos! It seems like every photo that you post these days is my new favorite. I love how your girls so obviously see their daddy as being the strongest man in the world -- that in itself is a tender mercy, that God would give your daughters such a loving and attentive earthly father.

  3. L, so glad to see you stop in! I am excited you're so close to meeting #6.

    C, yes, God has given the girls a precious daddy, and me an amazing husband...

    Thank you both for the kind words about the photos! Another mercy: capturing those moments!!

  4. Those first two photos take my breath away. I want to try that perspective now!
