Friday, April 9, 2010

More on God's Sovereignty

I'm loving John Piper's book A Sweet and Bitter Providence, which is a wonderful walk through the book of Ruth. I can't help but include a quote from the book today. I hope it encourages you and ministers to you, whether you're facing the bitter or the sweet right now...

"All the darkness of chapter 1 is gone. God has turned [Naomi's] mourning into dancing. 'The Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me' (1:20) has given way to "[His] kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!' (2:20). The lesson so far is surely at least this:

You fearful saints, fresh courage take:
The clouds you so much dread
Are big with mercy and will break
In blessings on your head. 
(William Cowper, God Moves in a Mysterious Way)

Seek refuge under the wings of God, even when they seem to cast only shadows, and at just the right time God will let you look out from his Eagle's nest onto some spectacular sunrise."

Mercies keep on should tell me some of yours sometime!

121 the crazy abandon with which the children (especially MK) dash outside to play at any free opportunity

122 learning along with the kids as we school

123 trying new foods: kale! kimchi!

124 new baby joy - three friends in a week!

125 the grinding to a near-halt slowdown that happens after a strangely busy/intense week...the slowdown that feels all wrong (not productive!) at first, and then is relief, as He says to me once again, "Only what is truly important must be done..."

Photos - the seeds mom planted with the kids are now sprouts: sunflowers and zinnias in these pictures


  1. 1. Ronda called to say Ashley had her baby today. Sunny Monroe. 7 lb 15 oz 20 1/2 inches long.
    2. I talked to Jonlyn last weekend. Two weeks after her heart transplant she was allowed to move into the hospital townhouses. She has to stay nearby for 6 weeks. She sounded great.
    3. I took today off. Spent it with Rachel. We had lunch at the Whistle Stop.
    4. I got my closet cleaned out and got rid of 2 bags of shoes and a big bag of clothes.
    5. Cleaned out my desk last night and found a big thing I forgot to use in my income taxes...took it to the accountant and it worked to my longer have to pay the state....woohoo!

  2. 1. clean baby smell
    2. boys who want me to read to them
    3. sunlight through my windows
    4. all five of us at home all day
    5. dogwoods in bloom
    6. sleeping in until 6:45!!
    7. homecooked meals delivered by friends

  3. Thanks to both of you for sharing your mercies here!!

    He is so, SO good, isn't He?!

  4. Beth, thank you for your sweet comment. We've been married 18 months as of last weekend. :)

    These pictures are beautiful and I do love that verse from William Cowper's hymn. Always have . . .

    Kale is so yummy! Glad you're enjoying it. :)


  5. those photos of the seedling are amazing!!

    I am encouraged. We are in a difficult time in our lives right now (I don't blog about that, I guess you can tell), so I appreciate your gentle words.

    some mercies from today:
    1.sitting in the sun and finishing a sewing project
    2. delicious lemon cake for dinner
    3. warm socks
    4. Ben's new conversation
    5. seeing my grandparents this morning
    6. Evie making our little neighbor boy laugh - and her ponytails. ..

  6. Thanks, Margo, for adding in His mercies to's been really special to read everyone's!
