Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Home Again

In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength.
Isaiah 30:15

Did you have a thankful Thanksgiving? A special feast? I hope so.

Our time in the mountains was a blessing in so many ways. The surroundings were so beautiful; the weather was mild and sunny; and the children played and played outside. While it was busy (because there are nine of us!), it was still definitely a mental break for all. Thank You, Lord.

The Isaiah verse above is so true for me right now. At a time when things have been feeling pretty dysfunctional, BB has insisted that the first change to be made is that I must (we must) aim for more sleep. So, I look at the first half of the verse and see that in a literal sense, rest is part of my salvation.

But the repentance part really came alive for me over the past week, as I had a bit more freedom to think and ponder. God showed me sins and walked me in the path of repentance. He is good.

I'm posting pictures of CA from dress-up day at school - she went as a youthful Queen Victoria. It was quite rewarding to reuse a flower girl dress from their aunt's wedding several years ago! You'll see that even royalty experiences mood swings...

I hope to eventually post photos from our time in the Smokies, but first I'd like to finish with the girls' costume pictures.

Also, I'm not sure how often I'll be posting in coming days and weeks. It's a season for hunkering down, helping hearts, seeking as much balance and peace as can be had in our home. It is a time for learning - ever so much more about what Jesus and the Gospel are really all about.

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